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Piece of My Heart by Penelope Tree

Piece of My Heart by Penelope Tree
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Trapped between the suffocation of English boarding school and a chaotic homelife dominated by her eccentric mother, Ari longs for a different kind of life - one lived in the glamour of London, with the pop stars and fashion icons she adores. It seems impossible until she is discovered by Bill Ramsey - the notorious bad boy photographer of the Swinging Sixties set. Suddenly, Ari's life is transformed into a dizzying whirlwind of drugs, photoshoots, and parties, all with the famous Ramsey by her side.

The young couple are the darlings of the media. But in the fickle world of fashion, nothing lasts forever - and Ari's addiction, her eating disorder and her increasingly dysfunctional relationship with Ramsey send her life spinning out of control. A Vogue cover shoot in Nepal offers Ari a make-or-break chance - not just to revive her ailing career, but to win back Ramsey's love, the only thing that matters to her.

But in the captivating surroundings, Ari finds herself wondering how much more of herself she must lose to keep the things she always thought she wanted. An honest and strikingly moving exploration of what we will sacrifice for love, amid a richly-detailed setting of 1960s London's fashion scene. Piece Of My Heart is a coming-of-age story with a difference that will appeal to readers of Marian Keyes's Rachel's Holiday and Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins-Reid.

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